I Love Lychee, you should too.

Ready to finally try Epically Epic‘s epic scent, I Love Lychee?  I’m giving away one bottle of the amazing perfume as well as two bags of Japenese candy.  While both are lychee flavored, one is a solid drop and the other is a gummy (that is not vegan).

  • To enter, comment here and tell me what your favorite candy is.
  • One winner will be drawn at random on December 21st.
  • You may enter (comment) only once.
  • The contest is open internationally!

122 Responses to “I Love Lychee, you should too.”

  1. Right now it’s French Sea Salt Caramels from Fusion Sweets. The amazingly tasty caramel is set off so well with the sea salt. I LOVE it and just want to eat a ton of it. While their French Sea Salt caramels aren’t vegan, they do make a delightful Lemon Ginger Caramel that is vegan.

  2. Okay, hi, I need to win this. O__O
    My favourite candy is a Norwegian cream caramell called Smørbukk, they’re awesome.

  3. Ooooh, so many to choose from. I like Extreme Sour Apple Chewits and Army and Navy sweets, which are an old school boiled sweet. The thought of all this candy is making my mouth water

  4. My favorite candy? Hm… I have so many favorites. I guess the same kind of gummy one as the lychee but in apple flavor always makes me smile. I also LOVE citric ribbons (they are sweet ribbons covered in citric sugar. I am addicted to that). Anyway… I am addicted to candy. Completely.

    I got the I Love Lychee roll-on for my sister, but there’s someone elso who I know would love it and so I want to grab the perfume for her and the candy for meeeee! 😀

  5. Ooh! I’m so keen on trying that lychee perfume. My favourite candy has to be Sour Strips/Belts in Green Apple and Strawberry. I don’t have them often, but I can eat them until my teeth get all squeaky/gritty XD

  6. Yay, I’ve been lurking Epically Epic for so long! My favorite candy is definitely Toffifay. 😀

  7. Oooh, I’ve been dying to try this scent! Um, my favorite candy has to be… I guess it’s a toss-up between marshmallows, Three Musketeers bars, and Starburst (the red and pink ones), depending on my mood. I’d totally go for some marshmallows right now. 😀

  8. My favourite candies are – in fact – Japanese crêpes, the ones you get at every corner in Japan and in selected stores here in Europe and I guess you can also get it in America. Hmmm….. they’re heavenly!

  9. My favorite candy is twix 🙂

  10. My favorite candy are See’s Rassberry chocolate truffles. They are frikkin addicting.

  11. I am a huge fan of raisonettes or twix. those make me so happy no matter what happened that day!

  12. My fav is definitely ramune!! Too bad it’s so scarce here, and whenever there is a place that sell is, it’s always really expensive 😦

  13. I love ginger chews sold by The Ginger People. They’re intensely spicy with satisfying chewiness that melts just right. Besides the original ginger, other flavors include apple, peanut, and coffee.

  14. My favourite candy is Swiss chocolate from Lindt. So melty and yummy *__*

  15. What a neat giveaway! My favorite would either be Starlight Mints or salt water taffy, expecially chocolate flavor.

  16. This is a difficult question, I like so many candies! I think Reeces Peanut Butter cups are one of my favorites! Besides that, anything chocolate!

  17. Anything chocolate or Sour Patch Kids.

    Your nails look great in the previous post.

  18. My favorite candy is English toffee and I love this time of year because it’s almost everywhere.

  19. My favorite candy is Charleston Chews!

  20. OMG yes! Lychee is much win! =O
    I’d say my favorite candy is… bottle caps. And I can never find those things =( what a shame.

  21. This is an awesome giveaway!

    I think my favourite candy right now is Toffifee. Yes, the cheesy holiday caramel-chocolate things. I can’t stop eating them – we’ve had a box on our kitchen table for three days now, and I’ve eaten most of them. THREE DAYS! The mind boggles.

  22. Amazing giveaway:) My favourite candy is “akide şekeri”,Turkish traditional candy.It is sort of hard candy ,I love the cinnamon flavoured,because it’s sweet and spicy at the same time.There’s also other flavours like peppermint,rose,strawberry,orange too:)

  23. Favourite lolly is a tossup between Pineapple lumps and Chocolate Fishes. I can plow through a bag of pineapple lumps like nobodies business 😉

  24. Oh jeez I love all sorts of candy. I must say though Japanese candy like Pocky and the tiny chocolate filled pandas have my heart. (Mostly because I used to be a big anime otaku.) The Lychee hard candies you’re giving away are actually my favorite as well as my fiance’s. We became addicted to them after I put them in our cart once purely by mistake. Om nom nom!

  25. I really like the orginial Tootsie Rolls, just because they aren’t sold here, so I rarely get to eat them (once a year when a family friend comes to visit us from the States).

  26. Favorite candy? Godiva Chocolates, especially the praline-cream filled ones, followed for a close second by Munson’s three-layer truffles, which are like truffle filling without the shell. But for hard candy, the Asians win with pretty much everything they make but especially Cubyrop, by Bourbon (last time I saw them tho the English name had been removed and it was all in Japanese). OMG perfect little cubes of deliciousness, they’re like cube-shaped Lifesavers but they taste way better ^___^

  27. I bought a pack of puccho grape and white soda flavored gummy candy (Japan) a month ago but I’m still conserving it since my supplier ran out lol

  28. My faves are seashell candies… You see them in bulk bins, so I don’t even know the brand

  29. I think my favorite candy for taste/flavor is probably kuri manjuu from the Japanese markets (mochi or breaded types) or the Ramune hard candy / Asahi cider assortments. Both are awesome. 🙂

    For nostalgia, it would have to be See’s candy marzipan in the dark chocolate. I can never get enough of those, but they’re a Christmas-only sort of tradition around the house. Gotta get my fill during the holidays! 😛

  30. I love candy, love, love, love. I go through phases it seems. Last month I was all about caramels and this month is anything minty.

  31. I love all candy, but my favorite is See’s chocolates. My Grandpa would give me a box of them every year for Valentines Day.

  32. My favorit candy only seems to come around once a year, and I could eat them everyday if it wouldn’t go staright to my butt… Chicken Bones, ohhh cinnamon and chocolate you are sooo good together!

  33. I have been hitting the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups hard lately. Every time I finish a pack I tell myself no more and then they go on sale and I HAVE to buy them since its such a great price. At least that’s what I tell myself, any way.

  34. My favorite all time chocolate candy is Reese’s peanut butter cups, with Mounds in second.

    Regular candies? Well, I’d go with the cotton variety….

  35. Anything that has orange and/or chocolate. :3 Except, maybe, when alcohol is involved…
    Ohh, and of course, especially this time of year; peppermint candies!

  36. I really, really, really love lollipops *grins*

    I like Reese’s peanut butter cups, but they’re rarely available here. Whenever they are, I buy a box *cough* or three *cough* and horde them. I want to get my hands on other American junk food, especially twinkies … my partner wont stop moaning about how they don’t sell them here.

    I don’t think this counts as candy, but I really, really, REALLY love Scottish tablet. It’s awfully difficult to get the real deal here, and the vast majority of stuff sold as ‘Scottish fudge’ isn’t tablet, but I simply adore the stuff.

  37. Epicallyepic makes my mouth water. I’m trying to figure out how to place an order for their lilac scent without my fiance knowing..he loves lilac
    My favorite candy right now is this chocolate bar they sell at Walmart. .I can’t remember the brand but it’s a mellow smooth chocolate bar infused with chili peppers and poprocks…it’s such an interesting eating experience, the throat warming with the poprocks tingling as they pop on the roof of your mouth…it really makes me slow down and savor it instead if being like OMG chocolate! Nomnomnom!!!!

  38. Cadbury fruit and nut bars. I also am in love with the lychee gummies above, they don’t last in my house more than a few hours.

  39. I absolutely love Sixlets! Mmm so good & so hard to find these days. I remember when I was little they were everywhere, now only a few stores have them. Oh and candycane kisses. They’re white chocolate with teeny little pieces of candycane mixed in. Mmmm.

  40. Oh my god, I’m such a candy addict that it is very difficult to choose just one, but I think it is Frutella (the original flavor). It is just the right amount of sweet and sour.

  41. I love candy. It’s hard to choose favorites! I have a thing for mint, so candy canes, butter mints, peppermint patties, etc. are always a craving. I also like fizzy soda candies (someone mentioned the Ramune ones; those are my favorites) And Irish whiskey fudge. And sour straws. SMARTIES. I will not have any real teeth when I am forty.

  42. My Boyfriend loves lychee candy. I like it, but it’s not my favoritest forever. My favorite candy I used to be able to get at a local Irish store, called Refreshers. They’re ever so slightly fizzy and just sweet enough to be candy, but not like eating sugar sugar sugar. I bet it’s all over Europe, but not so much in the States. Oh they were so good!

  43. Hands down my fave candy is Fun Dip. 😛 I am a sucker for novelty candy.

  44. I’ve loved everything that I’ve bought from epically epic!! I’ve never tried anything lychee though 🙂

    My favorite candy is Lindt dark chocolate truffles or Ferrero Rocher…Yum!

  45. While i normally avoid candy, i do get wicked cravings for caramels. Either Salted or Gingerbread. Luckily i have great recipes for both so I make them when the craving strikes lol. And i’ll be making many batches of them next week to give away for Christmas.

  46. There’s a lot of candy I really like, but one of my favourites is a rare treat: Japanese konpeitou from Kyoto. Some places still make it the old way, which is very difficult and time-consuming. It is like rock candy in the US. ❤

  47. My favorite candy? Umm…pocky, anything Wonka, gummy bears….the list goes on =^_^=

  48. I don’t know the exact name of them but my favorite candy are those little strawberry hard candies with a liquid center.

    I also love orange flavored ribbon candy dipped in hard chocolate, which I can only get this time of year.

    LOL, yes, I am aware I like “old lady” candies.

  49. Black jack chewy sweets and bonfire toffee will always be my favourite sweets, for sure.

  50. I really really like wasabi kitkats! 🙂

    katch05 at gmail dot com

  51. Ohhh, I hope I win this but if not I still plan to buy this scent based on your original review of it!!

    My fave candy is the new dark chocolate truffle at See’s … I could eat 2 a day if I had the $$

  52. I don’t know whether or not I have a favorite candy because I love chocolate, but I put chocolate in a different category from candy!

    One of my favorite candies,however, would probably be gummy bears!

  53. Hmmm favourite candy…. probably jelly belly jelly beans that come in different falvours. OH ACTUALLY Dr Pepper Jelly beans!!!!!!! NOM NOM NOM. I love them but they are hard to find here in Australia.

    I love fresh lychees so much. actually Napoleon Perdis (an australian make up brand) make their lip glosses lychee flavour!

  54. Salted black licorice, my boyfriend introduced them to me (He’s Danish and it’s an European candy) and I fell in love!

  55. like KC, my fave is dark choc. i too separate choc. from candy. i do like swedish fish, kit kat and reese peanut butter cups.

  56. I’m so excited about this giveaway, I’ve been wanting to try that Lychee perfume! My favorite candy has always been poprocks.

  57. My favourite right now are these monster like 2 feet long gummy snakes. They weigh exactly 100 grams because they are $1.28/100gr and I bought 2 and it rang up at $2.56 😀 They are yellow red and blue and each colour layer actually tastes like the colour.

  58. Chocolove’s Raspberry & Dark Chocolate bar! Lovely dried raspberries in a luscious-but-still-somehow-sweet dark chocolate. I used to have a grudge against dark chocolate until I tried this bar… cannot go back to full milk bars again, sigh.

  59. Cotton candy.

    Well Krembo actually, but I am not sure if it’s a candy or counts more like a chocolate/cream sweet type of thing.

  60. I love me some Nerds candy.

  61. My favorite candy, pre-vegan, was peanut butter cups. I’ve yet to find a substitute that isn’t either $7 a cup or requires me to cook 😦 Boo.

    Presently, though? Sweet & Sara mashmallows. With melted chocolate.

  62. My favorite candy is the old fashion Good & Plenty licorice candies!!!! I have always loved licorice and I always have a box laying around to snack on!!!!

  63. My favorite candy are the multi-colored sour balls that you can get from the bulk section of the grocery – yum!

  64. My favorite candy are these chocolate green tea cubes that I buy whenever I go to the Japanese store inside the Chinese mall that’s downtown. They’re dusted in cocoa powder on the outside, and OMG…I’m drooling right now thinking about them.

  65. My favorite candy has to be the Japanese mushroom shaped chocolate/biscuit snacks. Sooo good I could eat them forever.

  66. I adore caramel in/on anything, any brand. Yum! PS: Thanks for all your great reviews, I love that you cover Etsy/Indie companies, like Epically Epic. Thanks to your blog, I’ve added EE to my ever-growing list of companies I’m anxious to try. ☺

  67. Strawberry Sundae Lifesavers!

    Was so omgsqueehappy when I got a biggg one in a TMTM package. =D

  68. My favorite candy would be this chinese strawberry candy I found in China town a couple of years ago, sadly I can’t read chinese so I have no idea what the name it it. I had a cheif on the wrapper and it was all red and gold, and some cream. but the candy was hard, really really hard and then chewy in the middle. like a strawberry and cream taste. simply amazing. oh how I wish I lived near a china town or knew the name lol. but that and rice candy from Japan is amazing. Love it!

  69. My favorite candy is Swedish Fish. I can eat them all day. I also love Jolly Ranchers. 🙂 I tend to enjoy Necco Wafers once in a while. I’m also a fan of pocky! 🙂

  70. Fazer’s peppermint cream chocolates 🙂

  71. thebirdofparadise December 15, 2010 at 1:57 am

    My favorite candy is Maynard’s wine gums. I think they are a love ’em or hate ’em kind of thing.

    I know I sound like a broken record, but I think you are so generous, and I thank you so very much!

  72. I have a dangerous addiction to Hot Tamales. It’s insane.

  73. Salt water taffies all the way!!!!!

  74. Ala! This is so cute, although I don’t know what the taste/scent of a Lychee is… haha
    I think my favourite sweet is ‘Double D’s’ they are a fruit flavoured sugar free lolly and very delicious

  75. Jelly babies! Nom, nom, nom.

  76. I DO love Lychee! And I love I Love Lychee!
    I don’t know if I could pick ONE favourite candy, one of them is these apple-flavour foam frogs they sell here. I love apple pencils, too, and bonfire toffee.

  77. Tootsie Rolls and White Rabbits! I haven’t had White Rabbits in so long, I think it’s about time to take a quick trip down to Chinatown.

  78. Sweet-tarts!!!

  79. Godiva chocolates- I love them enough that I would forgive just about anything if given a box of them. Second favorite would probably be Cotlets.

    I remember eating lychee frozen fruit bars back when I lived in Los Angeles. I am curious as to what it smells like as perfume.

  80. I love all candy equally and overmuch (except for black licorice. That can go to Hell). I’m experimenting with making lychee cotton candy right now; so far, so awesome.

  81. I got a sample of the Lychee perfume in my Epically Epic order and I used it up pretty fast. 🙂

    Favorite candy might be…Whoppers. I love ordering chocolate malts at this great 50’s diner and this is like a much more portable version. And they remind me of my dad.

  82. My favourite candy is Starburst.

  83. I love sour candy. Sour patch kids, the sour starburst gummies, warheads. All of them. I also eat twix like a madman lately. Starburst are really good too. I just really, really like candy haha.

  84. My favourite ever is the White Rabbit Creamy Candy. It’s so delicious! Another plus of that is the inside wrapper is edible, too. No more prying the wrapper off the candy :3

  85. Nutella! Does this count? 😀

  86. I love lychee! I’m addicted to the Hi-Chew japanese candies, I bought a lychee flavoured one once but it doesn’t seem to be available in the Japanese shop near me any more 😦

  87. I love Strawberries with condensed milk and ganash (pretty light, huh?) =)

  88. My fave candy (sounds weird to say candy if you’re British!) are wine gums from Morrisons. They’re mega cheap, nothing ‘special’ and probably full of all kinds of bad stuff – but they’re so delicious! I can finish a big bag in about 10 minutes :S

  89. Oh! I love sweets. My favorite candy has to be anything with mint in it–like Andes mints or peppermint bark. I also adore Lindt bars, especially the sea salt and chocolate ones! And sea salt with caramels…mmmm

  90. My favorite candy is either Sour Patch Kids or Lychee flavored Hi Chews. 🙂

  91. Fave candy? hrmm, aside from the usual reese’s peanut butter cups (the minis make me feel like a giant and powerful) I’d say I also like munching on my friends nutella brownies. Granted, I guess that’s more like a baked good, than candy. but it’s damn delicious no matter what label you put it under


  92. Oooh, I love me some Lychee. There’s this great lychee iced tea they carry at my university that I have yet t find anywhere else.

    Hmmm, I’m not big on candy in general, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would probably be the Ramune fizzy candy. That stuff is so strange, yet weirdly delicious.

  93. I’ve been loving citrussy scents this past week, lychee sounds fantastic. My favorite candy? Tough. Probably black licorice, but I haven’t decided which brand yet. I also just bought the Baskin Robbins Pralines and Cream hard candies and finished the bag embarassingly quickly.

  94. Favourite candy right now is liquorice bullets – for some reason I really just can’t get enough of them right now.
    Shameful confession – I’ve never tried a lychee or smelt lychee anything!

    Oh I just remembered – I really really like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups too, but I hardly ever have them because they’re tricky to find in Australia, so good though!

  95. my favorite candy would have to be lindt truffles. 😀

  96. I don’t eat candy that often, but I would have to say my favorites are Nerds Rope and Pop Rocks. They are so yummy!! =)

  97. Favourite candy? I have a HUGE sweet tooth, I love sweets in general. Right now I’m loving dark chocolate Kit Kats.

  98. I don’t really eat much candy. But last year we made our own vegan peppermint patties and those were the best candies I’ve ever had!
    Also, the Twilight bar from http://www.gomaxgofoods.com/products.htm is amazing!

  99. Right now it’s Toffifee. 🙂

  100. My favorite candy is Milky candy! There’s nostalgia attached to this candy from my childhood and I love the mascot, Peko-chan – an adorable round faced girl with bright red cheeks, licking her lips. Every time I see her, she makes me smile!

  101. Oooh, salt water taffy! I love love love that stuff.

  102. I love Mitsuya Cider candy and Flower Kiss candy, I worked right next to a Japanese store for a long time and am a nut for Japanese candy. Also I love melting those minty mini melt away kisses into chocolate molds and making pretty brightly colored minty rose shaped candies. (I only own a rose and a Halloween mold set so it’s roses or spiders…roses usually win.

  103. I have a huge weakness for Natural Confectionary Company lollies… especially the banana ones. They just taste SOOO good!

  104. My favorite candy is Skittles. Specifically Tropical Skittles. ^^

  105. Nerds or sour skittles.

  106. I love fresh liquorice. It’s my demise. I can gobble up half a kilo in mere minutes.

    While I was in London, I went to this really cool Chinese restaurant called Baozi Inn and had two glasses of lychee juice. Was thinking of you, dearie.

  107. I love Nerds on a Rope!

  108. Sterling Morgenstern December 17, 2010 at 5:00 pm

    My favourite candy is probably Sea Salt Vanilla Caramels and Mayan Milk Chocolate Bars from Moonstruck Chocolates (http://www.moonstruckchocolate.com/index.aspx) They are an amazing local chocolatier and I’ve honestly yet to have anything less than completely delicious from them! Everything is so high-quality and well-made, the flavours and textures and visual designs are just wonderful. I like to hit one of the cafes every now and then after a rough day at college and indulge in a truffle or two from the case, keeps things affordable. I love Moonstruck so very much…

  109. I love sour/sweet and sherbetty things like Wizz Fizz sherbet, sherbet lollypops, sour gummy worms and sour coke bottles, yum!

    Kate1485 at hotmail.com

  110. I love gummy bears and caramel Hersey Kisses :3 and Skittles, but only the red ones. I love the red ones so much. But I don’t like any of the other colors so I never buy myself any D:

  111. I love Strawberry Twizzlers and I have for a long time. I do like coconut M&Ms, too.

  112. My favourite candy is Wham bars. I think you can only get them in the UK. To me they taste exactly as ‘candy’ should taste, like a synesthesia thing 😛 It’s meant to be raspberry flavour but not the typical raspberry candy flavour you get, nor like real raspberries. It’s hard to describe. The bar itself is very chewy and a gorgeous bright pink. AND it has these little fizzy sugar crystals. Delicious!

  113. i love pocky and those chocolate filled hello panda biscuits!
    anything with chocolate really 🙂

  114. My favorite candy is Warheads! Although a LOT of people find them way too sour, I really like them. You can’t eat too many at once though! They’re very acidic and can damage your mouth.