Once in a Chibi Moon

I wore Sailor Mars the other day and thought to myself, “Hey, Self.  You need to go back and see if Persephone Minerals has anything new.”  And so I did.  And it was good.

I ended up ordering the Chibi Moon Sample Set and was once again blown away with the shades.

**Small Lady** Ultra pale pink with golden shimmers.
Inspired by her pretty, just barely pink dress she wears in her princess form.

**Chibi-Usa** Sort of a bubblegum pink with pink shimmers. Inspired by, her lovely pink hair.

**Black Lady** A deep blackened red, like the dress she wears when she is captured by the baddies of the Nega-moon.
With blue & black microfine glitters to capture all the dress colors , & topped off with reflecks of pink.

**Moon Prism Power** A striking duochrome of blue & pink with the palest possible touch of blue so that the pink dominates. Topped off with lavish gold shimmer!

**Sailor Chibi Moon** A girly bright pink with red & white microfine glitters, inspired by the Sailor Chibi Moon uniform

**Eternal Chibi-Moon** An almost translucent white with a pinkish overcast plus yellow, pink & golden-red crystallina glitters throughout.

**Pegasus** An almost translucent white/gold duochrome, with white & gold shimmer. Inspired by Pegasus- the alternate form of Chibi-usa’s future prince, Helios.

**Pink Sugar Heart Attack** This color is absolute glittering pink madness! I recommend you use this wetlined or patted over something like Fyrinnae’s Pixie Epoxy. It is an uber-bright pink loaded with different kinds of pink, purple & gold shimmer!

**Twinkle Yell** (The English dub calls this Crystal Twinkle Bell) Inspired by the summoning of Pegasus. This is gorgeous blue with sparkles of pink & gold.

From top to bottom, left to right : Small Lady, Chibi USA, Black Lady, Moon Prism Power, Sailor Chibi Moon, Eternal Chibi Moon, Pegasus, Pink Sugar Heart Attack, and Twinkle Yell


24 Responses to “Once in a Chibi Moon”

  1. Some of those colors look very pretty – Pegasus & Pink Sugar Heart Attack especially.

  2. I’ve been wanting to buy one of everything of hers for awhile now!

  3. Twinkle Yell and Pink Sugar Heart Attack are gorgeous! It’s a great collection!

  4. I have all the Crystal Powers shadows and a few miscellaneous others – her duochromes are seriously amazing.

  5. I love this set. Pegasus, Small Lady, and Moon Prism Power are awesome!

  6. I need that set. 🙂

  7. I especially love Twinkle Yell 🙂

  8. I love the first two and have been plotting to get a couple of the Sailor Moon colors 😀 I am to Persephone Minerals Sailor Moon collection what Anastasia is to Shiro’s Pokemon colors and it is hard for my fangirl to not just swoop! up everything Sailor Moon related =D

  9. The Spore. My least favorite of the Senshi. Let me know when Saturn gets a collection.

    • completely agree about chibi moon and saturn! a shade called firefly would be awesome. These still look pretty good though.

    • Amen to that! I couldn’t stand Chibiusa. And I can’t wait until the outer Senshi have a palette. Hotaru and Setsuna, most definitely! Can’t miss out Mamoru, though. Stark blue-black, deep, blood red, crisp linen white… yes please!

      I’m getting ahead of myself. Ahem! 😉 I think I need to send a msg to Miss Victoria!

  10. I am so happy you posted this! Not only are the colors amazing, but the Sailor Moon theme behind it is one of the greatest things. I would have never found this company otherwise. Ordered sample set of Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon. Very excited. 😀

  11. I really like the sound of Black Lady. I’m not so sure I’d wear any of the other colours though.

  12. Chibiusa was always my favourite in Sailormoon! I love these colours

  13. I love PM, her duochromes are beautiful!

  14. I like the three brightest pinks.

  15. i love these! I love all the pink colors, so pretty! 🙂 Can’t wait till payday now!

  16. I saw these on her Etsy and had to physically restrain my hands to keep from ordering. The sixteen-year-old in me finds it so hard to resist! –and your swatches aren’t helping!
    Seriously, though, these are a whole lot of pretty pinks. They look like they apply really nicely too.

  17. I want ALLLLLL the Sailor Moon colors. Mostly bcs of nerdy fangirl obsessiveness (I literally JUST rewatched all 125 dubbed episodes last month), but also, they look like genuinely interesting, lovely colors!

  18. I’m supposed to be saving money, and the plan was to just spend a few dollars a cheque.., but I went and snagged Chibi moon set, Sailor moon set and Sailor Mars. And I’m not talking sample baggies. Huzzah for credit card! 😀
    I am super excited to see them in person.
    The crystal Powder shades just sound awesome, so I’ll have to go back to grab the Mercury, Venus and Jupiter ones eventually!